Friday, August 10, 2007

Pictures, finally! in no particular order...

formal dinner in the Hall--Gwyn looking ?? , me trying to explain something (fascinating, I'm sure..) and Sam listening attentively to Dr. Brooks, or contemplating how to approach his dessert...)
discussion with prof. kershaw over a pint in the college bar after our last formal dinner
a shot of the crowds at the Tour de France--taken by steve--with me in the right bottom corner looking thrilled about the wait!
a cyclist, obviously--again, taken by steve
One of the recovered roman mosaic floors of a palace--dug up by accident while installing a water main in Fishbourne. One of our "field trips"!!
So it's taken me ages, but now that I'm at Sophia's house, I finally have time to proprely update this thing.
We'll see how many pics I can get up on here...

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