Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Congrats, brainiacs!

It's refreshing amidst the "Recent Iraq Death Toll" and "Spears Shaved" headlines to read Autism Gene Breakthrough Hailed". I guess this blog is an insignifigant shout-out to all those insanely intelligent people out there who could be using their brains to scam the better part of mankind but instead choose a more noble purpose. There isn't much out there more commendable than saving children from life-altering diseases. Although breakthroughs like this occur every day, this one stood out to me, being as aproximately 1 in 100 British children have some form of autism. Of course the breakthrough isn't enough to save every child out there, but it provides much hope to know that there are people out there willing to relentlessly pursue the small steps towards a bigger purpose--a cure that will probably be named after someone else.

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