Wednesday, February 28, 2007

does this mean I can't get my drugs from Canada?

This is a little freaky. Internet companies selling "fake" prescription drugs without even requiring a prescription. Sounds like something that can easily be avoided by common sense and education, but when you take a step back and think about it, what's going to stop an impoverished African buying an online drug and taking his chances at its effects? Put in that position, wouldn't you? What I want to know, is what kind of sick twisted freak is trying to sell fake drugs to people desperate enough to take a chance like that? The report I found said that the sale of fake drugs is increasing rapidly, and that 50% of the drugs found in these markets are indeed fake.

neat, yes, but necessary?

This isn't exactly what I would have predicted for the personal computers of the next decade to come equipped with. Apparently, fragrance cartridges will come with computers, to allow users to not only listen to their favorite music while working, but smell their favorite smells as well! Sensors in the computer will use the internet to deliver data about smells that will please the user. (At least I hope the smells will be meant to please!) This forecast was from a South Korean survey, which was compiled after interviewing over 3,000 Asian technology experts. survey also revealed that scientists are working on tiny robots meant to swim through our bloodstreams to target problems, phones that can go three months without charging, and military dress that changes to match its surroundings better. I have to say, the scientists working on the fragrance cartridges might find themselves more useful if they decided to help with the robots instead...

makes my heart smile...

There's not much else to say about this...I guess I'm still very much a sappy little girl at heart. But c'mon, who DOESN'T melt at this???

Apparently, these twin tigers and twin orang-utans , who were all abandoned at birth, have become an inseparable foursome. There's more pictures at the site---go, on--indulge that inner child!!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Congrats, brainiacs!

It's refreshing amidst the "Recent Iraq Death Toll" and "Spears Shaved" headlines to read Autism Gene Breakthrough Hailed". I guess this blog is an insignifigant shout-out to all those insanely intelligent people out there who could be using their brains to scam the better part of mankind but instead choose a more noble purpose. There isn't much out there more commendable than saving children from life-altering diseases. Although breakthroughs like this occur every day, this one stood out to me, being as aproximately 1 in 100 British children have some form of autism. Of course the breakthrough isn't enough to save every child out there, but it provides much hope to know that there are people out there willing to relentlessly pursue the small steps towards a bigger purpose--a cure that will probably be named after someone else.

wow, britney...can we say "drama queen"???

So...Britney Spears shaved off all her hair. Not cut, but shaved. I have to say, it's impressive, but unimpressive at the same time. Impressive that she allowed her vanity to leave her for that split second decision, BUT unimpressive at the same time, because it kinda screams "look how not-vain I am, look at me, look at me, LOOK AT ME!" But...apparently she's checked into rehab after doing so, so she COULD have been under the influence of something powerful enough to rid the pop princess of her vanity, even if only for a minute.

very very creepy. boyfriend showed me a video on youtube about a couple who is protesting the Catholic Church by trying to break all ten commandments. It was a bit offensive (in my opinion) and kind of vulgar, but you gotta give it points for being original! (Warning: do not view with children.)

are you kidding me???

So...exactly how lazy have Americans gotten? This lazy. Apparently, Nintendo Wii is now being hailed as an adequate means of physical activity. Hallelujah. This means I can stare at a TV screen for 35 minuets a day and still lose my goal of 10 pounds. This is way better than grapefruit and green tea. And this is definitly going to help moms everywhere with their "you need to get outside and do something" argument...what kid needs fresh air and sunshine when he/she has a controller and a comfy couch?
Ok, so I admit, Nintendo Wii does encourage more movement than your traditional Donkey Kong and Final Fantasy X. But to try and pass it off as an exercise? What ever happened to playing kickball at the park after school? Goodbye sweet days of summer with its tanned skin and freckled faces. Hello 'pasty' and early vision loss.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

A tad distasteful..

So...I've been hearing and reading a lot about the resurgence of the KKK lately, so this morning I decided to search KKK on and see what articles came up. Surprisingly I found an article about Macalester College in St. Paul. T'was particularly interesting to me, as several of my cousins went there, one was married there, etc.
Apparently, there was a little party on campus where students were invited to come dressed up as politically incorrect individuals. Someone decided to come dressed up as a KKK member and another, a blackface with a noose around the neck. Man I'm sheltered here at SDSU, because I can't even imagine what would happen if something like that happened here. And what's more--I can't imagine the kind of people that think something like that is funny. What kind of a family life did they have??? It's a good school too...

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Sioux Falls makes the NYTimes Kelo last night we did about 20 different segments on the AMAZING donation of T. Denny Sanford. Apparently this Sioux Falls native started lots of businesses, earned a worth of roughly 2.5 billion dollars, and plans to give it all away before he dies. The biggest donation ever to go to a hospital in the history of our nation went to Sioux Valley in S.F.--an astounding 400 million dollars!!! We actually had a one-on-one interview with him and plenty of graphics of the projects to take place in the next decade or so. The New York Times even did a piece on it. I can't even imagine what this advancement will do for S.F.--bringing in so many bright and talented people, giving students a great incentive to stay close to home, and of course giving better health care to South Dakotans! I'm sounding tres cheesy in this post, but I guess that's how I get when I'm excited... :)

Friday, February 2, 2007

a guilty pleasure.

So...I'm admitting it to the world--mark this day on your calenders because it's quite revolutionary--I'm coming out of the closet...and proclaiming my devotion to the works of J.K. Rowling. I was there in the beginning, partaking in the frenzy of the Philosopher's Stone with the rest of the world, but have since succeeded in staying strong through the next 5 books and 3 movies. I have three of the movies and my brother owns all of the books. I don't own figurines or anything, although I am friends with some addicts more engaged than myself, and proud to call them mine. Anyway, to relate this to media, I found an article about J.K. Rowling finishing her newest and final book in the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows sounds tres promising and I am ever so glad my brother has it pre-ordered, as it will no doubt make for some delightful summer reading. This shouldn't be a guilty pleasure...they'll be classics one day--mark my word.

we have our share of weirdos...

So...I love going to and looking through all their weird news. Another thing I do when I'm bored at work. While perusing this afternoon, I found a man with a peculiar hobby....and I thought I was weird for collecting hotel soaps. I spose gravestones are kind of pretty....