Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Sioux Falls makes the NYTimes

So...at Kelo last night we did about 20 different segments on the AMAZING donation of T. Denny Sanford. Apparently this Sioux Falls native started lots of businesses, earned a worth of roughly 2.5 billion dollars, and plans to give it all away before he dies. The biggest donation ever to go to a hospital in the history of our nation went to Sioux Valley in S.F.--an astounding 400 million dollars!!! We actually had a one-on-one interview with him and plenty of graphics of the projects to take place in the next decade or so. The New York Times even did a piece on it. I can't even imagine what this advancement will do for S.F.--bringing in so many bright and talented people, giving students a great incentive to stay close to home, and of course giving better health care to South Dakotans! I'm sounding tres cheesy in this post, but I guess that's how I get when I'm excited... :)

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