Sunday, July 1, 2007

made it!

Just a quick note to let you all know that I arrived safetly, with ALL my luggage, despite a scare; someone had taken my suitcase off the belt and set it with another pile of suitcases, but a nice man (who ironically is a student at Oxford) helped me to relocate it.
I am currently in Redding with my dad's brother's family--Graham, Jane, Oliver, Fraiser and Tom. I managed to (barely) stay awake all day yesterday, while visiting dad's sister's family and grandparents in East Grinstad, so sleep felt gooood last night. I'll write more after I get to Oxford!


**~Abby~** said...

Yeah!! I'm so glad you made it safely there. Hope you have a fun time visiting all of your relatives.

**~Abby~** said...

Hey, A quick side note...what is the time difference from here to there?

alison elise said...

6 hours--so it's 10 here. (we're watching a live tribute to princess diana right now....10 yrs since her death.)

Justin said...

Your story turned out very good and was the top story for the 5:30 tonight (I'm at work and am bored in case if you didn't figure that out). If you want, I can have my dad show me how to copy your story to a dvd sometime and then you can see it when you get home. I guess with the extra security you probably couldn't smuggle any fireworks in for a 4th of July celebration. If it makes you feel any better i'm working on the 4th now because no one else can.

kristinelayne said...

Ali! Congrats on the 'foreign correspondent' gig! I heard It was great:) good to hear you made it alright... I'm bumming @ your house this week:) Luvya!


**~Abby~** said...

Hey Alison is there a link anywhere to see this now legendary story?

alison elise said... sent me a website and if it hasn't changed, the address is:,58413&a=0

see if that works...